FUCKHEAD - "Lebensfrische" [mosz012]

'Lebensfrische' is the ultimate fuckhead dvd containing the complete works of the austrian actionist rockband from the very beginning of their existence. the dvd is a compilation of live recordings, albums, images and videos (documentary and computer generated, the latter by vocalist didi bruckmayr and bass player michael strohmann). amongst these powerful pieces a documentary of the live show at london meltdown festival 2000 curated by scott walker can be found as well as the long out of print 'the male comedy', originally released on mego in 1998. Fuckhead are fresh!! [mosz 2006]
Fuckhead are known for their 'aktionist rock' due to the references to the Wiener Aktionismus movement, in particular for the exploration of sensibilities pushed to the limit, and extreme physical performances and sounds. In the bandÕs shows and records, furious, muscular rock is combined with other forms of expression: opera with its melodramatic employment of voices and the machinistic creation of electronic sound. The frenetic body becomes a battlefield in a cabaret of cruelty where boundaries are pushed to the limit and masculine fantasies are investigated together with the respective physical, sexual, social and pathological consequences . [fundação serralves, porto 2006]
listen to: 'roentgenlampe'