Born in Saarbrücken/Germany in 1972
Currently living in Vienna
Improv and composing activity in both acoustic and/or electronic contexts. Work for theatre, film and dance as well as various remix and soundinstallation commissions.
Selected discography:
MARTIN SIEWERT - No Need to Be Lonesome [Mosz 2004]
TRAPIST - Ballroom [Thrill Jockey 2004]
EFZEG - Wuerm [Charhizma, 2003]
BRANDLMAYR/DAFELDECKER/NEMETH/SIEWERT - Die Instabilität der Symmetrie [Grob/dOc, 2003]
SIEWERT/BRANDLMAYR : Too Beautiful to Burn [Erstwhile, 2003]
DIEB13/PURE/SIEWERT: Just In Case You Are Bored. So Are We [dOc, 2002]
TRAPIST: Highway My Friend [HatHut, 2002]
EFZEG: Boogie [Grob, 2002]
SSSD: Home [Grob, 2002]
DAFELDECKER/FENNESZ/SIEWERT/STANGL: Phonographics; soundtrack excerpts from the Gustav Deutsch movie Film.Ist 7-12 [Durian records, 2002]
SIEWERT/HORVITZ/DAFELDECKER/HINTEREGGER/BUCK: Komfort 2000 [Charhizma, 2000] EFZEG: grain [Durian, 2000]
THE COMFORTS OF MADNESS: röhren [Charhizma, 1999]